Working in the Healthcare Services Sector

Healthcare services in New Zealand are delivered by a complex network of organisations across the primary, secondary and allied health sectors. A qualified and skilled Kaiāwhina or support workforce is integral to health professionals operating at the top of their scope.

Careerforce offers a range of healthcare services related programmes and qualifications, all via on-the-job learning. These learning paths lead to specialist qualifications across disciplines such as orderly services, dental assistance, or vision& hearing.

Explore our Qualifications in Healthcare Services

We offer a range of qualifications for workers in the healthcare services sector. These qualifications range from entry level through to advanced specialist qualifications.


Support your Healthcare Services Workforce with On-the-Job Training

Careerforce can support you to enhance your workforce’s skills and knowledge through our well resourced, on-the-job training programmes.

A Careerforce Workplace Advisor will work with you to determine which qualifications are right for your workforce. Together, we’ll develop a comprehensive training plan and discuss steps to set up your training. We will also guide you through funding opportunities to support the growth of your employees.