Our goal is to ensure we put learners at the centre of all our decision making, so that all learners have the skills, knowledge and confidence to excel.
We recognise the importance of supporting equitable outcomes across all our learners. A key focus is to respect the unique differences, learning practices and challenges of Māori, Pacific and disabled learners, and invest in appropriate supports, to achieve equitable outcomes.
Me pēhea tātou e tautokohia ā mātou ākonga Māori?
Ko te tikanga o Te Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio, hei pupuri, te mau i ngā tikanga o te wānanga mahi, o te noho Marae, ā kanohi mai hoki. Ka tautokohia mātou tū atu i ngā mahi ā wānanga, ā noho mai, ki ngā ākonga me ngā kaiaromatawai ki te mahi i ngā arotakenga “Te Ao Māori”. Kei māka e ngā kaiaromatawai i te Reo Māori katoa.
How we support our Māori learners
Our Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio / National Mobile Support team provides options for kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) kaupapa Māori approach support through wānanga mahi and noho marae. As needed, we will provide extra support to any ākonga (learners) and ngā kaiaromatawai (assessors) in working with the Te Ao Māori unit standards. Also, our assessors can assess in te reo Māori if requested.
How we support our Pasifika learners
Careerforce has a team of Pacific staff who understand the needs and demands of our Pacific learners. We run Talanoa (open discussion) sessions, and face-to-face and online fono (workshops) with a focus on empowering and engaging our Pacific learners to feel supported in their studies. Through our Pacific Coordinator, we offer assistance for all who are learning in the workplace.
How we support our disabled learners
Careerforce is committed to improving outcomes for our disabled learners, working with a lived experience advisory group to ensure our programmes are accessible and fit-for-purpose. Among the initiatives, individual support needs are identified with disabled learners, at the start of their learning journey. The functionality of Aka Toi, our online learning platform is being developed to support learners with different impairments. Learners are given awareness and support to use assistive technologies and will be given more flexibility around time to complete assessments. Careerforce assessors are also being upskilled to better understand the needs of our disabled learners.