“The training helped me find new ways to support people. It makes you stop and think – how can I do this a better way? I know the people I support are benefiting from my training – they are absolutely getting better support from me.”
Christian Favre, Disability Support Worker
Community Connections – Te Hapori Awhina Tangata National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Core Competencies) (Level 3)
Swiss migrant Christian Favre moved to New Zealand seven years ago with a passion for the outdoors and a desire to make a difference in the community.
As a support worker for Community Connections, Christian enables people with disabilities to participate in the community and live the lives they choose.
In January 2012, Christian completed the National Certificate in Core Competencies (Level 3).
“I was a bit reluctant to start off this training. As English is my second language, the study was a bit of a struggle at times. But I had good support from tutors and workmates.
As I learned more, I became more interested, and more committed, because I could relate the training to my work. As soon as I started to reflect on what I was learning, this opened doors and opportunities.
The training helped me to find new ways to support people. It makes you stop and think – how can I do this a better way?
I know the people I support are benefiting from my training – they are absolutely getting better support from me. I can better express myself and find out more about their needs, and help them become more confident.
And there is no doubt that the training improved my confidence.
Understanding the Code of Rights means I have better insight into how we can promote and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.
It’s about their right to be in this world – to feel and love and participate. Their right to be acknowledged and recognised and included.
The people we support learn from us, but they also teach us. I look after one man who is happy all the time despite his struggles. His life is far more difficult than mine – but he keeps happy and carries on. He’s a role model for me.
I’ve now been offered a mentoring role for new staff members. I want to help them through their journey.”