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Update: The online consultation is now closed. Thank you for your time and participation!

31 July 2014


Careerforce is to proceed with the development of higher level qualifications on youth work following a previous decision to delay in February of this year. Consultation is ongoing from 17 July to 31 July.

We mentioned that Ara Taiohi, the recognised peak body for the youth work sector, started a professionalisation feasibility study earlier this year that prompted our decision to delay developments until results were known. However, NZQA have requested that all qualifications under the Targeted Review of Qualifications to be listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework by 31 December 2014. In order to meet this NZQA deadline, Careerforce needs to proceed with the development.

We have discussed this with Ara Taiohi and they support our decision to proceed.

Consultation on the development of Higher Level Qualifications

During the review of Youth Work qualifications last year, the content and outcomes of level 3 and level 4 qualifications were clearly established by the working group. The results were not the same for the higher level qualifications. Careerforce has decided that further consultation with the sector is necessary.

Our understanding of the sector and other qualifications available leads us to believe that a level 5 qualification would meet sector needs better than a level 6. We are now seeking your feedback on the proposal below.

Proposal to Develop *New Zealand Diploma in  Youth Development (Level 5)

*Qualification title is not yet final and is subject to change.

Careerforce proposes to develop a Diploma in Youth Development (Level 5) for the following reasons:

  • The Level 5 diploma will provide progression and a pathway for graduates of the level 4 certificate.
  • The Level 5 diploma will provide progression and pathway into a degree-level programme.
  • We have not seen any evidence of a difference in employment outcomes for graduates of a level 5 qualification versus a level 6.

Careerforce intends to work closely with degree-level programme providers to match the content of a level 5 diploma to the first year of a degree. The intention would be to enable graduates of the level 5 diploma to enrol directly to the second year of a degree where possible. Potentially, this would encourage a learning pathway from the Level 5 diploma into tertiary study, and would provide a pathway should the sector decide to proceed with the professionalisation of the workforce.

Careerforce would like to hear your feedback on the proposal to develop a New Zealand Diploma in Youth Development (Level 5). The survey is available from 17 July to 31 July.