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In early 2022, with the support of their line managers, several administrative people leaders [at Te Whatu Ora] began a two-year programme with Careerforce to achieve a NZ Diploma in Business Leadership and Management (Level 5).

While they are experienced leaders, none of the group have a formal leadership qualification.

One of them, Dental Practice Coordinator Jacqui Power says having not undertaken any formal study since leaving school, doing the Careerforce workplace-based learning was a great opportunity to achieve a qualification.

“And to prove to myself that I can do it!”

Good discipline around study has been key to completing the first series of tasks, says Administrative Team Leader Donna Macdonald.

“This means making a specific time to study, sticking to it and letting my family know I’m not to be disturbed.”

Coaching session in action: From left, Careerforce Assessor Colleen Eason, Administrative Team Leaders Donna Macdonald and Riana Chemaly, and Administration Manager Kay Strang. On the laptop are Careerforce Team Leader Staff Assessor John Kenny and Administrative Team Leader Diane Hickey.  Absent: Dental Practice Coordinator Jacqui Power, Administrative Team Leader Holly Poole and Sexual Health Practice Coordinator Kim Sampson

Leaders are building on solid base of knowledge

Careerforce Assessor (Leadership and Management) Colleen Eason says she has found it exciting working with the Waitaha Canterbury leaders as they are so experienced in what they do.

“It’s satisfying to see that, during the process of this qualification, these leaders are building on a solid base of knowledge and experience. They are gaining the ability to better identify and improve on the skills that they inherently use on a daily basis and to enhance their ability to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.”

Diploma programme supports organisation’s objectives

Careerforce Team Leader Staff Assessor (Leadership and Management) John Kenny says the diploma programme provides the opportunity for leaders to showcase how their leadership and management practices support the achievement of the organisation’s objectives and priorities.

“In particular, through their leadership of people and their management of processes and resources. The programme represents validation, verification, and adjustment of leadership and management practices.”

Administration Manager Kay Strang says Careerforce Assessors have supported the leaders at every step of the way, from understanding the evidence required to complete each module and regular coaching sessions, right through to the assessment phase and confirmation of credits.

Free enrolment to this Careerforce programme (until 31 December 2022) has made it more accessible.

“With the first module under their belts, I take my hat off to this enthusiastic study cohort for their commitment to the programme despite their busy day jobs and the challenges this year has brought. I’m looking forward to congratulating the team at their graduation ceremony next year,” she says.


Published courtesy of Te Whatu Ora, Health New Zealand, Waitaha Canterbury