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Careerforce received approval to develop the following two Youth Work qualifications in 2013:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Youth Development (Level 5)
  • New Zealand Diploma in Youth Development (Level 6)

Since then, the sector has begun looking at the professionalisation of the youth work field. Further development of these qualifications has been placed on hold while the sector considers professionalisation.

Further information will be posted here as soon as it is available.

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Update: 27 February 2014
Careerforce has been working closely with Ara Taiohi, the recognised peak body for the youth work sector. The relationship between Careerforce and Ara Taiohi is based on NZQA requirement that ITOs must work closely with employers and industry representatives when setting new standards, such as those contained in qualifications.

Ara Taiohi have begun work on the possible professionalisation of the youth work sector and this may impact the design and content of any future qualifications at levels 5, 6 and 7. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to delay further development on these until we have a clear picture of what the sector agrees to in this regard. It would even be remiss of Careerforce to push on with development of level 5 and 6 qualifications that ultimately may not be aligned to a professional framework that is agreed by the sector.

Debate on sector professionalisation will include reference to education requirements as this is usually one of the key evaluation criteria that define a profession. Therefore, Careerforce will be closely following this debate over the year and provide advice as required.

Last updated on 27 February, 2014