Finalists for Māori Trainee of the Year are committed to training and professional and personal development. They use their knowledge and skills to contribute to their whānau and iwi. They touch different people in their roles as rehabilitation coach, stop smoking practitioner and youth worker.
Leonie Haumu
Rehabilitation Coach
Goodwood Park Healthcare, Auckland
Rehabilitation Coach Leonie Haumu works with brain injury patients at Goodwood Park Healthcare in Auckland. Leonie is inspired by working to make a difference in people’s, “witnessing each person overcome fears and uncertainty and empowering them to find coping strategies” is what drives her. She works in partnership her clients to ensure they are achieving their goals outlined in their individual support plans. She credits training through Careerforce as giving her a better understanding and empathy for what her clients are going through and how to better support them. She has also implemented what she learnt through her training and applying them into practice.
Leonie had to overcome personal challenges as well. She admits, “I once let a diagnosis define who I was as a person and since accepting and managing this diagnosis, I am able to have quality of life. This no longer dictates my present or my future.”
Leonie is actively involved in the local community outside of work as an active member of her marae committee. She supports other students in the Te reo classes she’s taking and she’s open to sharing her life experiences to her whānau to provide insight to help then get positive outcomes for themselves.
Turaukawa Sam Bartlett
Alcohol and Other Drug Youth Worker/Student Counsellor
Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, Thames
Turaukawa Sam Micheal Bartlett is a shining light as a success story coming through the Careerforce training system.
He says the Careerforce journey has supported his personal transformation from someone with no formal qualifications to a proud leader making a difference in his community and successful student. He hopes his journey will inspire others to engage in this journey as well.
“I believe that education is a pathway of guiding a person’s passion; particularly in the field of mental health and addictions where the people we serve depend on our abilities to enhance their wellbeing.”
He says the skills he has gained through his apprenticeship journey has supported his passion and involvement in other community activities these include:
- Midland MH&A Māori Leadership Network – Providing a mandated voice for mental health & addiction māori development at a regional and national level
- Founding Member of Korowai Tupu – Professional Association of Youth Workers in Aoteroa. Developing education and youth worker programmes in Aotearoa.
- Mana Tāne ora ki Waikato Men’s health advisory board – Actively raising awareness of the various health issues facing men in the Waikato area.
- Coromandel Health Promotion and Strategy Development Group – Safer Coromandel. Developing strategies to minimise harm, accidents and death in the Coromandel area.
He also recently led a community movement in opposing the application of an off license permit to sell alcohol in close proximity to a school. In conjunction to these, he is working with Problem Gambling Foundation in developing a submission outlining the harm gaming machines are currently causing to our community.
Santana Ngamoki
Stop Smoking Practitioner
Tipu Ora, Rotorua
Santana Ngamoki works as a Stop Smoking Practitioner for Tipu Ora primary health, social and education provider. She enjoys her work is passionate about supporting people to achieve their goals and plan for a healthier future. She says, “I want my children to grow up in a world that is smoke-free and I love that I can contribute to this in my work.”
She admits that she has no former qualifications and so training was a scary step for her. But after completing the NZ Certificate in Youth Work Level 3 and Smoking Cessation Programme with Careerforce, it has reignited a love of learning and has inspired her to look into future study.
“A year ago I thought my greatest accomplishment would be in my work as a practitioner out in the community, now I play an active role in the development and coordination of our service.”
She strongly believes in encouraging the smoke-free message starting with whānau as the country works towards the goal of being smoke-free by 2025. Santana’s colleague Amanda Te Whau says the way in which she has implemented all aspects of her training has really been impressive.
“Santana is bursting with passion, creativity and motivation to make a difference in the community, she has exceeded all expectations bringing about significant change through her work,” says Amanda.