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Careerforce is reviewing four level 3 unit standards that are currently listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS). They are in the Health and Disability Principles in Practice and Community Support Services domains.

We invite stakeholders and programme providers to provide feedback on the revised unit standards.

If your organisation wishes to comment on the revised standards, please reply to before the close of business on Wednesday 23 September 2020. 

Points of note:

All unit standards:

  • Formatting changes in the purpose statements (used bullet points).
  • Added the following the Guidance Information:

4 Demonstration of knowledge and skills must be in accordance with relevant workplace policies and procedures.

5 Evidence for the practical components of this unit standard must be gathered in the health and wellbeing workplace.

  • Simplified language in PCs, put the range statement to Definitions.


23385 –  Demonstrate knowledge of advocacy and self-advocacy in a health or wellbeing setting:

  • Removed previous PC 1.3 Advocacy and self-advocacy are described in terms of their differences.
  • Removed previous PC 1.4 The concepts of empowerment and disempowerment are described in terms of their relationship to advocacy and self-advocacy.
  • Removed previous PC 1.5 The concept of respect for the person’s choices and decision-making is described in terms of advocacy and self-advocacy.
  • Replaced 1.4 and 1.5 with now 1.3: The benefits of advocacy and self-advocacy for the person being supported are described. Range two benefits for each (Benefits may include but are not limited to: empowerment, respect for the person’s choices and decision-making, individualised care).
  • Revised Outcome 2 ‘Apply strategies’ to ‘Demonstrate behaviours’ PC2.1 behaviours that support advocacy and self-advocacy are demonstrated.


28524 –  Describe and support a person’s holistic needs and their impact on a person’s health and wellbeing:

  • No major changes, simplified language in PCs and outcomes.


28528 – Describe and apply a person-centred approach in a health or wellbeing setting:

  • Simplified language in PCs and outcomes.
  • Revised previous PC 1.1 ‘Person-centred values are defined in terms of their role in a person-centred approach’ to ‘Person-centred values and their importance to a person-centred approach are described’.
  • Removed active participation in previous PC 1.3, 2.2, 3.2.
  • Removed previous PC 2.4 ‘The application of a person-centred approach is described in accordance with the context of support’.
  • Removed previous PC 3.3 ‘Feedback is sought from the person receiving support or services and possible changes are identified within boundaries of own role’.


28544 –  Provide support to people from different cultures in a health or wellbeing setting:

  • Added the following in the Guidance Information: 4 Evidence is required of supporting two people from cultures different from the support worker’s.
  • Removed previous PCs 1.1 ‘Cultural preferences of the support worker and those of the person being supported are compared in terms of similarities and differences’ and 1.2 ‘Implications of the person’s cultural preferences are described in terms of the support worker’s role.’
  • Replaced them with 1.1 ‘Four of the candidate’s cultural preferences are described’ and 1.2 ‘Four cultural preferences of people being supported are described.’
  • Added 1.3 ‘Process for identifying and recording cultural preferences of people being supported are described’ and  1.4 ‘Methods of providing support that meet four different cultural preferences are described’.
  • Revised Outcome 1 to ‘Describe cultural preferences of self and people being supported.’
  • Added Outcome 2 ‘Support people according to their cultural preferences’.
  • Replaced previous PC 3.1 to 2.1 ‘Support is provided according to people’s cultural preferences’.

The last date for assessment using the current versions of these standards will be 31 December 2022.

Please read the US documents below. You also have an option to read them with tracked changes.

US number US title Level Credits US document US document with tracked changes
23385 Demonstrate knowledge of advocacy and self-advocacy in a health or wellbeing setting 3 4 23385 23385
28524 Describe and support a person’s holistic needs and their impact on a person’s health and wellbeing 3 5 28524 28524
28528 Describe and apply a person-centred approach in a health or wellbeing setting 3 3 28528 28528
28544 Provide support to people from different cultures in a health or wellbeing setting 3 5 28544 28544