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These seminars are a way of recognising the important role that carers have in aged support and the community. This is a great opportunity for healthcare assistants and support workers to broaden their knowledge and gather the latest information relevant to their role.

The New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA), in partnership with EBOS Healthcare and Careerforce, bring the following educational seminars to an area near you.


Hands-on with the brand new qualifications
Presenter: Joel Rewa-Morgan, Careerforce

Bullying is alive and well in your workplace too!
Presenter: Pat Jermyn, Manager
St Allisa Lifecare, Member of the Arvida Group

Incontinence – using the right products
Presenter: Karen Lenne, EBOS Healthcare

Identification, Management and Documentation of: Skin Care, Skin Tears, Stage 1 and 2 pressure injuries
Presenter: Rochelle Cawood, Wound Care Product Specialist, EBOS Healthcare

All participants will receive resource material to help them to continue their professional development if they wish.

Dates for 2015
Lower Hutt – 23 April
Auckland – 29 April
Christchurch – 30 April
Tauranga – 5 May
Hamilton – 6 May
New Plymouth – 7 May

Seminars start at 9.00am and finish at 3.45pm

Cost $90 (inc gst) per person

Non Members
Cost $120 (inc gst) per person

To register or for more information, contact: Robyn Gray at The New Zealand Aged Care Association: or visit: the NZACA website

Updated 1 April 2015