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The Kaiāwhina Workforce Programme is a partnership between Careerforce and Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ) that sets out a 20 year vision and a five year action plan for the development of non-regulated healthcare workers.

The plan was launched in May 2014 at the Careerforce Workforce Development Conference.

The plan is structured around seven domains:

> Consumer Focus
> Quality and Safety
> Workforce Intelligence
> Sustainability
> Access
> Career Development
> Workforce Recognition

Each domain will have its own workstream and chairperson, tasked with developing the actions required.

The Kaiāwhina Workforce Taskforce and Working Group have now been set up
Key stakeholder groups and sector organisations came together in October 2014 for the first meeting of the Kaiāwhina Workforce Taskforce to set the foundations. The focus of the Taskforce is to champion the action plan and bring their considerable expertise and networks to the table. The aim is for these networks and relationships to be mobilised to assist with the development of the action plan and help make the programme a reality.

Also meeting for the first time recently was the Kaiāwhina Workforce Working Group, made up of the chairs of the seven workstreams. The aim of the group is to identify synergies between the workstreams and avoid duplication.

Terms of Reference for these two groups can be downloaded here: Taskforce   Working Group

Next Steps
The key focus for the next quarter is to have the workstreams set firmly in place, ready to start completing the action plans for each domain. Action plans will start being implemented in the second half of 2015.

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Updated 23 October 2014