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Online learning is a modern and convenient way of getting upskilled. Of course, it doesn’t replace the learning you get on-the-job and coaching from your colleagues. However, online learning can help you successfully complete your apprenticeship programme if you are committed to it. It requires time management, self-discipline and strong motivation to overcome the challenges along the way. Here are some study tips to help you stay focused, motivated and to get the most out of learning online.

  1. Find out what are the expectations of your programme

Work with your assessor and Apprenticeship Advisor on setting the expectations of your apprenticeship programme. Be open about your learning style and challenges so you can address them together. Agree and commit to the study hours that you may have identified.

  1. Make sure you have a reliable internet access

Having reliable internet access is key to your online learning. If your internet access is not very good at home, find other places where you can use internet for free. Check out your local library or neighbourhood café. Another benefit of learning online is that you can access it anywhere, anytime…as long as you have internet connection of course. You may want to draft your answers in a Word document first and save them before uploading your answers to MyPath. To avoid mishaps, ensure that you save your work repeatedly and backup regularly.

  1. Have a dedicated study space

Your study space may be the staff room in your workplace, in your living room or at a nearby café. Some need a place that is quiet, while others need some background noise or music. It is worth identifying where you learn best and in what environment.

  1. Log off from other things when you’re in online learning mode

It is easy to get distracted. Consider turning off your phone and logging off all social media networks and your email when you are in online learning mode.

  1. Ask for help when you need it

Build a relationship with your assessor and Apprenticeship Advisor. They are there to support you every step of the way. Do not hesitate to ask them for help if you are stuck or you may end up falling behind. If you don’t ask for help, they may not know that something is wrong.

  1. Take study breaks

Integrate some personal time, stretches and breaks into your study routine. If you are feeling tired or frustrated while studying, it will decrease your performance and retention. When taking a break, walk away from your study space and have a change of scenery.

  1. Participate in online discussions

Online learning doesn’t mean learning in isolation. You have virtual classmates all over New Zealand. You may be encouraged to participate in online forums or facilitated discussions. Take advantage of it and work with your fellow apprentices to learn and enjoy the journey together.

Your apprenticeship online learning modules are designed to complement what you do on-the-job everyday. Keep motivated and stay focused, apprentices! Keep motivated and stay focused, apprentices!