What is the Manaaki Fund?

It is hardship funding to provide temporary financial assistance to our learners who are facing unexpected financial hardship that is impacting their studies.

Why is Careerforce offering this funding?

It’s recognised that many people and families are struggling financially – the fund is intended to support our learners with their day-to-day living to help reduce barriers to complete their studies.

Where has this funding come from?

There is a learner component of the funding received from TEC which has been set aside to provide extra support to learners facing unexpected hardship in 2024. This funding is already accrued and is not additional funding.

How do I qualify for the funding?

You must be currently enrolled in a Careerforce programme and be facing financial hardship.

What is considered financial hardship?

This is when you have difficulty paying your bills and/or purchasing items for essential day-to-day living; or you may be facing difficult/challenging situations that impact your financial situation – examples are given below.

  • Necessary medical, dental, or optical costs
  • Inability to buy day-to-day essentials
  • High transport costs
  • A disability or temporary illness
  • Unforeseen family issues
  • Death or illness of an immediate family member
  • Natural disasters
  • Family violence
  • Other financial problems that adversely impact your livelihood

How much can I apply for?

Applications can be made for a fixed rate of $400 total – no more and no less.

Can I apply more than once?

No – you can only apply once during 2024.

Do I have to provide evidence around financial hardship?

No – but you must provide an explanation and any relevant details of why you’re applying for the funds.

What can the money be spent on?

  • Food
  • Transport/petrol
  • Housing/rent
  • Utilities (power, water, gas etc)
  • Medical related costs
  • Clothing
  • Childcare
  • Internet access
  • Items that directly support hardship

What things CANNOT be purchased or paid for with the funds?

  • Course/tuition fees or related costs
  • Technology hardware or software
  • Any other items that do not directly support hardship

When will funding be available?

There are currently five funding rounds as given below.

Round 1
Applications open: 25 March – 7 April 2024
Applications notified: 20 April 2024

Round 2

Applications open: 1 May – 15 May 2024
Applications notified: 31 May 2024

Round 3
Applications open: 3 June – 16 June 2024
Applicants notified: 1 July 2024

Round 4
Applications open: 8 July – 21 July 2024
Applicants notified: 5 August 2024

Round 5*
Applications open: 5 August – 18 August 2024
Applicants notified: 2 September 2024

*Subject to funds being available
(Dates are subject to change)

If any funds are available after the first two rounds, we will send out further information to learners and employers if or when this becomes available.

If I’m successful, how long will it take for the funds to be paid to me?

We will endeavour to have approved applications processed within 2-3 weeks of the closing date(s).

Do I need to do anything after I’ve received the funds?

Yes – we will send you a survey to please complete.

How do I apply for the funds?

Please complete the application form via the link here.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Please email Manaaki.Fund@careerforce.org.nz or call 0800 277 486 and ask for the Manaaki Fund team.