The April 2023 issue of REAL Assessor News covers Privacy, Aka Toi coaching sessions, Literacy and Numeracy Assessments, Assessor Spotlight and more…
Did you know that it is a breach of the Privacy Act for personally identifiable information to be used in assessments?
The Careerforce Assessment Manual outlines that trainees must not disclose real names or personal identification of any person in their assessments except to their assessor during verbal discussions. Assessor notes about discussions will also protect the details of any person. Similarly, confidential details about the employer, other staff or the workplace must be protected.
In instances where workplace reports or other documents are used as evidence to support an assessment, it is essential that this is done with the full knowledge and support of the employer, and that any identifying details (e.g. person’s name, NHI number, area where they live, unusual conditions/illnesses, family connections) are removed or blacked out before being submitted for marking. Any assessments where such identifying details have not been removed or blacked out will not be accepted, and will be returned to the learner for resubmission.
We ask you to please remind your ākonga (learners) about keeping personal information private when submitting their assessments.
At the end of March, Careerforce’s Christchurch-based staff assessors left their screens and piles of assessing to get together for their Volunteer Day, where they tidied up a local kuia’s harakeke bushes. They learnt a lot about the harakeke and the kawa and tikanga in cutting it, harvesting it, and preparing it for weaving.
They were then joined by the wider team of staff assessors for a two-day hui. On their first day they were taught the process of weaving and joined in the whanaungatanga that naturally happens while crafting some stellar kete!
Now it’s back to their screens and piles of assessing – but the team found it worthwhile taking a break and participating in these fantastic activities.
New to Aka Toi? The Careerforce e-Learning Operations team can get you up to speed through their Aka Toi coaching sessions.
Aka Toi coaching sessions are held virtually and cover how to use (but not limited to):
Assessors (and learners) can book a coaching session via this link.
You can also book a session via Aka Toi. Just navigate to Assessor Help and follow the instructions from there.
There is growing awareness about the need for literacy support to assist with workforce training. Literacy and numeracy assessments allow us to get a picture of the literacy skills across your organisation so that we can provide the best support.
So, which learners are required to complete literacy and numeracy assessments before they start a Careerforce training programme?
The answer is: All enrolling trainees or apprentices at all levels, unless they already have:
The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) subsidizes the cost of tertiary education, and a condition of this funding is for education providers to identify literacy and numeracy learning needs in their ākonga on enrolment.
Please make sure your staff note previous qualifications on their training agreements (TAs) – Section H on the standard TA, and Section I on the apprenticeship TA.
Please note:
See our Literacy and Numeracy assessments page for more information or contact our Literacy and Numeracy Advisor, Cushla Wilson via 04 550 2426 / 027 838 9512 or by emailing
Meet Careerforce registered assessor Nicola Davies, who assesses Health and Wellbeing Levels 2 and 3.
Where do you work and what do you do? I work for CCS Disability Action as the Regional Training Coordinator for the Central Region.
How long have you been at CCS Disability Action? I have worked for CCSDA for six years – I started as a Service Coordinator in the North Taranaki branch, then moved into the Supported Employment Coordinator role. In my current role I am employed by the Wellington branch but work remotely from Taranaki and have been in this role for nearly two years.
How long have you been a registered Careerforce assessor, and which programmes do you assess? I have been a Careerforce Assessor for just over one year and assess Level 2 and 3 Health and Wellbeing.
How many colleagues have you supported to achieving their qualifications? I am currently supporting four trainees to complete their Level 3 qualification. In my role as training coordinator, I also support our staff that are completing the Level 4 apprenticeship, helping them navigate study while working, connecting them to study groups with their Careerforce advisors, support communicating with their Service Managers and what they may need from them.
What gives you the most satisfaction from being a Careerforce assessor? I love the whole process of supporting a person to engage in learning – especially if they haven’t made this journey before, it is great to see a person achieve their goals towards gaining a formal qualification and the confidence that gives them.
What do you think makes a positive difference to learners doing their programmes? I think it’s the support they get along the way, knowing there is someone they can talk to or being able to join a study group so they can support each other – this makes a huge difference to a person’s learning experience and the outcome.
What keeps you busy outside of work? I enjoy running and completed a half marathon recently! I have started the Level 5 Diploma in Business (Leadership and Management).
Want to feature in the next assessor spotlight, or know someone who should? Send us an email!
At the request of the sector, Careerforce has recently added additional elective unit standards to the following programmes:
NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) (Level 4) – trainee programme
US 32506: Advocate for a person in a health or wellbeing setting [Level 4, 5 credits]. This unit will be available on Aka Toi soon.
NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Orderly Services) (Level 3)
US 27315: Describe and implement strategies for de-escalating unwanted behaviour in an aged care, health, or disability context [Level 3, 3 credits].
NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Health Assistance) (Level 3)
US 27465: Contribute to therapeutic programmes and/or groups in a health or wellbeing setting [Level 3, 5 credits].
US 27467: Apply supported communication strategies in a health or wellbeing setting [Level 4, 5 credits].
US 27469: Use specialised assistive and/or therapeutic equipment with people in a health or wellbeing setting [Level 3, 4 credits].
These unit standards are available on both the Careerforce Resource Library and on Aka Toi.
We wanted to give a special shout-out to Romita Prasad who is a cleaning franchise owner for Paramount Services Ltd in Auckland. Romita recently completed her assessor training with Careerforce Learning Engagement Advisor, Korelli Mulitalo.
Romita’s manager, Stella, presented her with a bunch of flowers and a certificate. We love being able to share these special moments!
Last year, Careerforce launched virtual sessions to help provide assessors with mārama (clarity) or support with any assessment practice questions.
Hono mai (connect with me) is a virtual assessor forum open every Wednesday from 1– 2pm. A Careerforce moderator is available during each session to answer any of your burning questions and help you find clarity in your role as a Careerforce assessor.
You can join the meeting link by logging into iportal. Just click on the ‘Hono Mai meeting for assessors’ menu option. If you get stuck, please email
The Careerforce Resource Library is accessible via a secure login on the Careerforce iportal site. While the Library contains downloadable paper-based learning resources, learners are also able to use their iportal login to access their own training progress reports. This gives learners a greater sense of empowerment and self-responsibility through their training journey, so we ask you to encourage your learners to register/use iportal for their benefit.
We do appreciate all the support and guidance you give to your learners. As usual, if have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
REAL Assessor News is a quarterly update sent to all Careerforce registered assessors. Archived copies of REAL Assessor News can be found under Assessor Toolkit.