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4 October 2021 marks a major milestone in the implementation of the Reforms of Vocational Education (RoVE), with the official handover of Careerforce’s standard setting responsibilities from Industry Training Organisations to one of 6 Workforce Development Councils (WDCs). From this date, WDCs will be responsible for developing and maintaining qualifications, and developing, setting, and maintaining unit standards for the industries in their coverage area. As part of this, WDCs will assume responsibility for external moderation (which ensures the quality of assessment carried out by organisations with consent to assess), and will support consent to assess applications where they are the standard setting body.

Careerforce standard setting responsibilities will be transitioned to either:

  • Toitū te Waiora – the WDC for Community, Health, Education and Social Services
  • Ringa Hora – the WDC for Service industries, including cleaning

Today, Donovan Clarke has been appointed as Toitū Te Waiora’s inaugural Chief Executive, and will commence his new role in early November. Donovan is currently Chief Executive Officer of Central Kids Early Education, and brings executive Primary and Secondary health experience to the role, having led significant change projects across primary care, mental health and addictions and the disability sector. Careerforce congratulates Donovan on his appointment, and looks forward to collaborating closely with Toitū Te Waiora as they build their organisational capability and resourcing.
Download Media Release here.

Kara Scrimshaw was earlier announced as the inaugural Chief Executive for the Ringa Hora Services WDC, and which has responsibility for the cleaning sector.