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Careerforce is reviewing 39 unit standards that are currently listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS) in the following domains:

  • Community Support Services;
  • Community Work;
  • Iwi/Māori Social Services;
  • Professional Development of Social Service Workers;
  • Provide Social Services;
  • Social Work;
  • Social Service Work with Abuse, Neglect, and Violence.

We invite stakeholders and programme providers to provide feedback on the revised standards.

If your organisation wishes to comment on the amended standards, please reply to before the close of business on Friday 17 July 2020. 

The following changes have been made:

  • The titles of unit standards 7938, 7952, 26972, 26973 and 23383 have been amended to reflect current terminology used in the sectors.
  • Guidance Information references and legislation have been updated where relevant;
  • Edits have been made to wording for greater clarity;
  • The last date for assessment using the current versions of these standards will be 31 December 2021.


Please select each unit standard title to read the full unit standard document. 

Community Work

US Title Level Credit
7914 Analyse concerns, issues, needs, and resources in the community 6 6
7931 Identify and define the community 4 6
7939 Provide a community or group with interpretations of social policies and structures 5 6
7990 Facilitate development of social liaison and networking in the community 6 6
7991 Contribute to educational and recreational programmes and projects 4 6
7992 Facilitate educational programmes and projects 6 6
7994 Facilitate strategies to effect community or social change 6 6
8001 Prepare and present proposals to raise and manage funds for social service projects 6 3
19399 Demonstrate an integrated practice theory for community work 6 24


Community Support Services

US Title Level Credit
7996 Facilitate strategies to effect change in social policies, structures, or service delivery 6 9
20966 Demonstrate knowledge of support needs of a person with a brain injury in an aged care, health, or disability setting 3 6
23383 Establish and facilitate a learning plan with a person in a health, disability or community setting 4 6
24656 Support a person to identify aspirations and needs in a health, disability, or community setting 5 10
24657 Develop a support plan with a person in a health, disability, or community setting 5 10


Iwi/Māori Social Services

US Title Level Credit
16260 Facilitate a person to identify their own whakapapa in an Iwi/Māori social services setting 4 6
16261 Research a whakapapa on behalf of another person or whānau in an Iwi/Māori social services setting 5 6
16263 Apply te tīmatanga o te ao, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga in Iwi/Māori social services 5 9
16265 Contribute to disputes resolution processes for Iwi/Māori social service purposes 5 6
22962 Explain the importance of the use of te reo Māori and use te reo Māori in Iwi/Māori social services 5 9


Professional Development of Social Service Workers

US Title Level Credit
7917 Demonstrate self-awareness for social service work 6 12
7918 Implement a self-care plan for social service work 5 6
7919 Describe the roles and functions of social service workers 4 4
7922 Participate in professional social services supervision as a supervisee 5 9
23350 Integrate learning into a behavior, knowledge, skills, and value base for working as a kaitautoko 5 12


Provide Social Services

US Title Level Credit
7926 Explain Te Tiriti o Waitangi for social service purposes 4 6
7930 Negotiate service provision with users of social services 4 3
7937 Provide information for specific social service needs 5 6
7938 Provide advice to individuals, groups, and communities in a social service setting 6 6
7952 Assist a social service user to identify and address their presenting concerns, issues, or needs 4 6
8000 Act as an advocate in social service work 6 3
8071 Establish and maintain working relationships with people of other cultures and life experience 5 6
19410 Prepare to establish working relationships with whānau in social service work 4 12


Social Work

US Title Level Credit
7957 Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui 4 3


Social Service Work with Abuse, Neglect, and Violence

US Title Level Credit
7984 Identify, respond to, and report in situations of suspected abuse, neglect, or violence 4 3
7985 Establish protection and safety plans in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence 6 9
18290 Describe selected structural issues related to abuse, neglect, and violence 4 6
18292 Describe selected aspects of knowledge for working with abuse, neglect, and violence 4 6
18297 Undertake assessments in situations of abuse, neglect, or violence 6 9
18298 Assess presenting issues in situations of abuse, neglect, or violence 4 6