Careerforce is about to submit a request to NZQA to publish updated versions of 17 youth work / youth development unit standards that we intend to revise and roll over.
In preparing these unit standards for revision and rollover, references to legislation and industry frameworks have been updated and a review date set to 2024. Various textual edits have also been made, notably to reflect current terminology.
Units currently covered by CMR 222 will be migrated to CMR 24, and where relevant will be reclassified from an expiring domain (Youth Work) to the current domain (Youth Development). The requirements of both CMRs are identical, so this migration should have no impact other than tidying up the system.)
If your organisation has any questions about this notification, please reply to before close of business on 5 February 2020.
Youth Work | Youth Development Unit Standards to revise and roll over
Select the unit standard title to read the revised unit standard.