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Unit Standard Overview

32202 Describe and demonstrate the use of Mana Taiohi principles in youth work to enhance mana in a young person

This unit standard is for people working with young people in the youth development sector. This unit standard will eventually replace 22256 Describe the principles, aims and goals of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa.

Mana Taiohi is a principle based framework that informs the way people who work with young people work in Aotearoa. Mana Taiohi has evolved from the principles of youth development described in the Youth Development Strategy of Aotearoa (2002). The principles take a Te Ao Māori worldview and are informed by young people, and the people who work with them.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:

  • Describe the mana a young person carries, and how this can be enhanced using youth development principles.
  • Demonstrate the use of Mana Taiohi principles with a young person.

Enrolment and Assessment

Youth workers can now enrol to get credited with this unit standard. They can access and complete the learning resource which is based on the Ara Taiohi website, and then complete the online assessment developed by Careerforce.

Assessment includes both theory and practical observation of the youth worker interacting with groups of young people while upholding the principles of Mana Taiohi. The unit standard achieved will be recorded in their Record of Achievement with NZQA.

Enrolment fee: $85* (including assessment support if required)

*Fee will be waived for those currently enrolled in NZ Certificate in Youth Work (Level 3) with Careerforce or those who have just completed this certificate in 2021. For new enrolments into NZ Certificate in Youth Work (Level 3) this unit can be added for no extra cost.

Note: This unit standard will eventually replace 22256 Describe the principles, aims and goals of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa and will be part of the reviewed NZ Certificate in Youth Work (Level 3) programme that is currently in development.


To enrol in the Mana Taiohi Unit Standard, please call 0800 277 486, email: or speak to your local Careerforce Workplace Advisor

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Level 3

Ideal for

  • Youth Workers
Relevant for the following sectors
  • Youth Work
  • 5 Credits
  • $85*