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Careerforce undertook a scheduled review of Level 3 & 4 unit standards in the Youth Development domain earlier in 2021, and published them for review on 3 June 2021. Following feedback from the sector, a further review took place in August 2021.

The main changes made to unit standard credits, outcomes, or performance criteria include the following:

  • Formatting was updated to reflect the current NZQA template.
  • Guidance information was updated where relevant to reference current resources.
  • The language used in outcomes and performance criteria was aligned with current protocols.
  • The titles of unit standards 16850, 16853, 16856, 16857, 22250, 22257, 28538, 28539, 28540, 28541 and 28556 were changed to better reflect the purpose of the unit standards and to allow for more flexibility in the way learner competency can be assessed.
  • Unit standard 16849 expired on 31 December 2018. Careerforce is intending to re-register this standard for use in its youth work programmes. The standard has been updated to reflect best practice guidelines and principles of youth development in 2021.
  • Unit standard 16843 is being set to expire on 31 December 2023, this due to low usage since 2016, and the registration of a new level 3 standard considering Te Tiriti o Waitangi in June 2021 (32418).
  • Based on moderator feedback around repetition of outcomes across youth work standards, the credit value of unit standard 16856 was changed from 5 credits to 3 credits. Outcome 2 (considering boundaries and safety requirements) was removed. Unit standard 28539 was subsequently re-titled and edited to explicitly cover risk, boundaries, and safety requirements.
  • Unit standard 16862 is being set to expire on 31 December 2023, this due to overlapping risk management content with unit standard 28539.
  • Unit standard 22253 will change from level 4 to level 6, with the last date of assessment for the current level 4 standard on 31 December 2023. Consultation with the sector indicated that the standard would be better assessed at level 6, given the complexity of its outcomes and performance criteria.
  • Unit standard 22256 is being set to expire on 31 December 2023, this due to replacement of the 2002 Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa by the Mana Taiohi framework in 2020.

The last date for assessment for superseded versions of Category B unit standards is set for 31 December 2023.

If your organisation wishes to comment on the revised standards, please email before the close of business on Monday 20 September 2021. 

All changes are in bold.



Key to review category
A Dates changed, but no other changes are made – the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number
B Changes made, but the overall outcome remains the same – the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number
C Major changes that necessitate the registration of a replacement standard with a new ID
D Standard will expire and not be replaced
RR Re-registration of an expired unit standard



ID Title Level Credit Review Category US Document
16843 Demonstrate knowledge of the meaning of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in youth work 3 3 D 16843
16849 Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in youth work 4 3 RR 16849
16850 Work with a young person as a youth worker in the youth development sector

Support a young person to meet their needs and goals in a youth development relationship

3 5 B 16850
16853 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of kawa and tikanga of tangata whenua in the youth development sector

Demonstrate kawa and tikanga in a youth work setting

4 6 B 16853
16856 Describe group work and leadership for youth work in the youth development sector

Describe groupwork theory and leadership styles in youth work

3 5


B 16856
16857 Help to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate a youth development project in the youth development sector

Assist with the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation a youth development project

3 10 B 16857
16862 Demonstrate knowledge of safety management in the youth development sector 4 5 D 16862
22250 Describe professional supervision for youth workers in the youth development sector

Demonstrate knowledge of professional supervision for youth workers

4 3 B 22250
22253 Profile a community of relevance in the youth development sector 4


5 B 22253
22256 Describe the principles, aims and goals of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa 3 3 D 22256
22257 Profile youth in Aotearoa New Zealand

Profile a youth culture in Aotearoa New Zealand

3 3 B 22257
28538 Establish and maintain a relationship to support a young person in the youth development sector

Establish and maintain a youth development relationship to support a young person

4 10 B 28538
28539 Establish and maintain a safe environment for young people in the youth development sector

Demonstrate knowledge of risk management in the youth development sector

4 10 B 28539
28540 Lead group activities with young people in the youth development sector

Facilitate group activities with young people in the youth development sector

4 8 B 28540
28541 Mentor and support young people to identify goals and develop action plans in the youth development sector

Support a young person to identify goals and develop an action plan to support their achievement

4 10 B 28541
28556 Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate a youth development project in the youth development sector

Plan, implement, and evaluate a youth development project

4 15 B 28556
32202 Describe and demonstrate the use of Mana Taiohi principles in youth work to enhance mana in a young person 3 5 B 32202